
Classes   –   2024-2025  

  1. Strider Bikes = 2yrs-4yrs    NO Motorcycle Racers
  2. STACYC  Bikes = 3yrs-5yrs    NO Motorcycle Racers – NO SUSPENSION ALLOWED
  3. 51cc 4-6 STOCK – (Junior bike, Max 24″ Seat, Max 10″ wheels)
  4. 51cc 7-8 STOCK
  5. 51cc 4-6 Multi Speed/Shaft  STOCK
  6. 51cc 7-8 Multi Speed/Shaft  STOCK
  7. 51cc OPEN  4-6yrs  STOCK  *also 50 E Bike can run this class (Max 12″ wheels) class is by age
  8. 51cc OPEN 7-8yrs STOCK  *also 50 E Bike can run this class
  9. 51cc Beginner 4-6yrs STOCK (Max 12″ wheels)  – Class is by age
  10. 51cc Beginner 7-8yrs STOCK
  11. E-BIKE 50  – 4-8yrs  (NOTE E-Bike can race only E-Bike & OPEN Classes)
  12. 65cc D Beginner 6-11 yr
  13. 65cc 7-9 yrs
  14. 65cc 10-11 yrs
  15. Unlimited 65cc 7-11 yrs
  16. 85cc D Beginner 9-15yrs (85-112cc Two Stk, 75-150cc Four Stk, 150 Honda is OK) – Big Wheel is OK
  17. 85cc 9-11  (150 Honda is OK) Big wheel is OK
  18. 85cc 9-13  (150 Honda is OK)  Big Wheel is OK
  19. 85cc 12-15  85cc – 112cc  (150 Honda is OK)  Big wheel is OK
  20. GIRLS  7-11yrs  (65cc – 112cc)  Big Wheel is OK  – 150 Honda is OK
  21. Super Mini 12-16 yrs  (85-112cc Two Stk, 75-150cc Four Stk, 150 Honda is OK) Big Wheel is OK
  22. Schoolboy 1 = 12-17 yrs  (85-125cc Two Stk,  75-150cc Four Stroke)
  23. Schoolboy 2 = 12-17 yrs  (122-250cc Two Stk,  or  126-250cc Four Stk)
  24. Collegeboy 14-24 yrs
  25. 125cc Two Stroke – Amateur 12+ yrs
  26. Women 12+ yrs  (85-250cc)
  27. 250 D Beginner
  28. 250 C
  29. 250 PRO  –  – paying 200%  – MINIMUM – Option to INCREASE Purse at BIG events
  30. Veterans – Military Veterans ONLY – Race FREE
  31. 450 D Beginner
  32. 450 C
  33. 450 PRO   –  –  paying 200%  – MINIMUM  – Option to INCREASE Purse at BIG events
  34. OPEN B
  35. Unlimited D Beginner
  36. Unlimited C
  37. 25+
  38. 30+
  39. 35+
  40. 40+
  41. 45+
  42. PIT BIKE EXPERT – 14yrs +,  220cc Max,   4 Stk, 12″ Max Rear Wheel,  NO RACE BIKES ALLOWED
  43. Amateur Pit Bike – 9yrs – 19yrs, 200cc Max, 4 Stk, 12″ Max Rear Wheel, NO RACE BIKES ALLOWED
  44. Amateur Pit Bike – 20yrs +,  200cc Max,  4 Stk, 12″ Max Rear Wheel,  NO RACE BIKES ALLOWED 

*51cc Multi-Speed/Shaft Drive 4-8yrs STOCK  – Limited to the following models:  Honda CRF50, Yamaha PW50, Suzuki JR50 and Yamaha TTR50 – ALL BIKES MUST BE STOCK

*51cc 4-6yrs Beginner & 51cc Beginner 7-8yrs Stock – Limited to riders with BEGINNER SKILLS.   (Dominating riders in this class are subject to be moved at any time).  ALL BIKES MUST BE STOCK

Series Tie Breaker
If a tie is recorded in the final point standings the tie breaker will be the best finish in the last event that either or both riders attended in that series.