
At regular events it will be Saturday Practice Day and All Racing on Sunday.
Area Qualifier Weekends will be Friday Practice, Saturday racing with support classes for everyone. Sunday is another day of racing, and ATVs will race Sunday ONLY.
At Area Qualifier Races 50cc (4-6) , (7-8) and Ebikes, Girls, & Women will do ALL of their RACING on SATURDAY. the 50cc Open & Multi Speed Shaft Class for the Series race on Sunday.

All Racing is on SUNDAY 
    (except Area Qualifier Weekends are different)
1. 51cc 4-6 yrs Stock
2. 51cc 7-8 yrs Stock
3. 51cc Multi-Speed/Shaft Drive 4-8 yrs Stock * (See Note Below)
4. 51cc Open 5-8 yrs Stock
5. E-Bike 4-8yrs  –  E-Bike can race this class plus OPEN class ONLY
6. 65cc 7-9 yrs
7. 65cc 10-11 yrs
8. 65cc Unlimited 7-11 yrs
9. 85cc 9-11 yrs (79-85cc –  Big Wheel NOT Allowed),  Honda 150 NOT Allowed
10. 85cc 9-13 yrs (79-85cc –  Big Wheel is Allowed).  Honda 150 is Allowed
11. 85cc 12-15 yrs (79-85cc –  Big Wheel is Allowed  – Honda 150 is Allowed
12. Super Mini 12-16 yrs (79-112cc 2-Stk/75-150cc 4-Stk)- Big Wheel is Allowed –  Honda 150 is Allowed
13. **GIRLS 9-14yrs  –  79-112cc
14. Women 12+   (99-250cc)
15. Schoolboy 1  12-17 yrs  (86-125cc2stk/ 75-150cc 4stk).
16. Schoolboy 2  12-17 yrs (122-250cc)  2 or 4 Stk,   14+ yrs to ride 250cc
17. 250 C (122-250cc).  14+ yrs to ride 250cc
18. **250 B  (122-250cc).   14+ yrs to ride 250cc,  16 to ride 450
19. **250 A/Expert  –  150% payout  
20. 125cc 2 Stroke Amateur  (122cc-125cc)   12 & up
21.   450 C (122cc-Open)  16+ yrs to ride 450cc
22. ** 450 B (122-450cc)
23. **450 A/Expert  –  150% Payout 
24. Unlimited C/D (122cc-Open)  16+ yrs to ride 450cc
25. Collegeboy  14-24 yrs (122cc-Open)  16+ yrs to ride 450cc
26. 25+  (Trophy)
27.  30+  (Trophy)
28.  35+
29.  40+
30.  45+
31.  50+
32.  55+
33. VET WARRIORS  (Military Veterans)

*51cc Multi-Speed/Shaft Drive 4-8yrs – Limited to the following models: Honda CRF50, Yamaha PW50, Suzuki JR50 and Yamaha TTR50
NOTE – This is different than the AMA Qualifier Rules. This is changed from what was posted earlier.

Series Tie Breaker
If a tie is recorded in the final point standings,  the tie breaker will be the best finish in the last event that either or both riders attended in that series.